
 Basic exim commands

1. REMOVE MAILS BY ID - /usr/sbin/exim -v -Mrm (MAIL ID HERE) 2. LIST QUEUED MAILS -...

 Daily Useful Linux Commands

Finding the username from provided hosting service name - /script/whoowns domain_name Finding...

 Disk Usage Useful Command

Note - You can replace /home with correct '/' drive on your server. 1. Checking the disk usage -...

 How to backup and restore large MySQL databases using mysqldump?

1. Backup database:#mysqldump -u username -p[username_password] databasename >...

 How to change the port number of Apache Web Server?

Default port to access the Apache is 80. Secure port for communicating with world for Apache is...

 How to get files and folders from a remote server using FTP?

Let's make a quick start by looking at the various commands to get files and folders from a...

 How to install FFMPEG CentOS?

ffmpeg is the most popular opensource video streaming software and its being used on many...

 How to install Imagic?

1. # yum install ImageM* netpbm gd gd-* libjpeg libexif gcc coreutils make 2.  # cd...

 How to install MariaDB on CentOS 7?

Insatll MariaDB on server -  #yum install mariadb-server OR #yum install -y mariadb...

 How to install Postfix on CentOS?

Postfix is an open-source Mail Transport Agent (MTA), which supports protocols like LDAP, SMTP...

 How to install SOAP on CentOS?

Install SOAP on CentOS 1) Fire below command - yum install php-soap Output will be as follow...

 How to install latest version of git on CentOS release 6.8 (Final)?

Install latest version of git on CentOS release 6.8 - Step 1. Install Dependencies - yum install...

 How to install phpMyAdmin with Apache on a CentOS 7 server?

phpMyAdmin used to provide graphical user interface for your databases. Accessing or performing...

 How to perform LAMP installation on CentOS?

LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It is nothing but Linux operating system with...

 How to perform the Linux Sever Hardening?

1. Check the hostname is setup or not - hostname 2. Check the IP address is assigned to hostname...

 How to run the backup process which is stuck using rsync?

While running the backup process, I was getting the error message as - /usr/bin/rsync -rlptD...

 How to setup a WordPress website on plain Centos server?

The following steps have been successfully tested on a plain centos server. Now lets start with...

 How to setup the email alert for low disk space?

If you don't want to setup to a full monitoring solution such as Nagios you can create your own...

 How to update MySQL password?

Steps to update the MySQL Password - 1. First stop MySQL service by following command....